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Spotlight on the queen of algae: Klamath

In the United States, in the south of Oregon, there is a high altitude lake sheltered from all pollution, Upper Klamath Lake. In this exceptional biotope, a little wonder of nature has been growing for thousands of years: Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae (AFA) or Klamath algae. Considered by researchers to be the most complete food in the world, this micro-algae contains more than 115 highly assimilable micronutrients. Fortifying, revitalising and restorative, Klamath contains specific active ingredients making it an unrivalled algae.

The origins of Klamath

Klamath algae is one of the oldest forms of life on our planet. It has survived through the ages, resisting microbes and pollution. Consumed for thousands of years by the Klamath tribe, a Native American people in Oregon, this micro-algae was discovered in the 1970s and marketed as a food supplement in the United States in 1980. It was not until the mid-1990s that American scientific studies confirmed its benefits. Since 2000, a lot of research has been carried out in Europe, particularly at the University of Urbino in Italy. Popularised throughout the world, Klamath is now consumed as a food supplement, in capsules, tablets, flakes or powder.

A unique composition

The nutritional and therapeutic properties of Klamath algae were first mentioned by Cortes in his logbook of the Spanish conquests in the 16th century. With its 115 nutrients, Klamath is distinguished by the richness of its components: amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, complex carbohydrates, antioxidant pigments, polyphenols and enzymes.

Phycocyanine and Phenylethylamine: the main active ingredients

Klamath contains two particularly powerful antioxidants that make it unique. These are phycocyanin and phenylethylamine. Phycocyanin, the blue-green pigment that colours Klamath, is a powerful antioxidant that prevents DNA oxidation and regenerates tissue. Phenylethylamine (PEA) is a hormone produced in the brain that stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that acts on the central nervous system as a natural "antidepressant". PEA also increases alertness and concentration.

Klamath, Spirulina and Chlorella: the champion is...

Klamath is a sister to Spirulina and Chlorella and is an even more nutrient-rich algae. It contains specific active ingredients that the others do not have.

  • 3 trace elements: iodine (essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland), boron (diuretic), molybdenum (participates in iron fixation)
  • Phenylethylamine (PEA)
  • Amino acids with photoprotective properties against UVA-UVB
  • Plant enzymes that stimulate pancreatic enzymes and facilitate digestion

Due to its recent discovery, Klamath algae is the subject of fewer clinical studies than Spirulina and Chlorella. However, it confirms its interest in the treatment of a certain number of pathologies.

Properties and benefits of Klamath

The exceptional composition of Klamath makes it a super food of first choice, in prevention and as a support for the body. 

Antioxidant properties

Rich in polyphenols, carotenoids, chlorophyll and vitamin C, Klamath seaweed has a powerful antioxidant power and helps fight against cell ageing. Its amino acids with anti-free radical properties also protect the cells from UVA and UVB rays. The micro-algae thus acts effectively against oxidative stress caused by the excess of free radicals in the body.

Stimulates the immune system

The polysaccharides contained in large quantities in Klamath algae have active agents that activate the white blood cells. These are responsible for detecting and destroying degenerated or virus-infected cells. The immune system then defends itself more easily and quickly, thus avoiding viral infections and slowing down the development of certain pathologies. 

A natural antidepressant

American researchers have discovered a significant concentration of phenylethylamine (PEA) in Klamath algae. PEA is a substance produced by the brain, known colloquially as the "love molecule" or "joy molecule", which causes the release of adrenaline and dopamine. This molecule stimulates the pleasure centres, thus affecting mood, joy and emotional well-being.

Stimulates concentration

PEA also boosts brain activity and intellectual capacity. It improves intuition, concentration, memory, energy and physical and mental resistance. Studies have shown a reduction in behavioural problems in children, such as hyperactivity, stress at school or dyslexia. 

Promotes the production of stem cells

One of the great strengths of Klamath is that it stimulates the production of our own stem cells. These cells are able to repair damaged organs or tissues by multiplying indefinitely. With age and oxidative stress, this renewal diminishes. Klamath promotes the production of these cells and supports the regeneration of organs and tissues.

Detoxifies the body

Klamath seaweed contains antioxidants that protect our bodies from heavy metals, radioactive metals, pesticides and herbicides. Polysaccharides, chlorophyll and phycocianin are three molecules that detect metals in tissues and organs, capture them and then eliminate them through the kidneys, unlike other green algae such as Chlorella, which only catches heavy metals but does not eliminate them.

Prevents deficiencies

The exceptional concentration of Klamath in proteins, iron, amino acids and trace elements, as well as its richness in vitamin B12, makes this algae a very popular food for people on vegetarian and vegan diets. Among other things, it makes up for deficiencies in protein, iron and vitamin B12.

Virtues of Klamath

Klamath: for whom?

Klamath algae can be consumed by everyone. Its richness in nutrients is perfectly suited to the elderly, sportsmen, students, pregnant women, menopausal women, convalescents, vegetarians with deficiencies, people who are malnourished or whose protein requirements are increased, or those suffering from chronic fatigue. Thanks to the phycocyanine, Klamath is also recommended for people suffering from arthritis or inflammatory problems. It is also recommended during the change of season to strengthen the immune system. In short, Klamath seaweed can be consumed for its nutritional or curative effects.

How to consume it?

Klamath seaweed is available in powder, tablet, flake or liquid form, but is most commonly found in capsules. In the kitchen, blue algae can be used in both sweet and savoury dishes. In the summer, it can easily be prepared in smoothies, such as Spinach, Klamath and Pear. However, the strong taste of the powdered seaweed is not for everyone. In this case, Klamath should be taken as a food supplement.  

Nutritional composition of Klamath