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Food supplements and sleep: how to sleep better?

Sleep is an essential function allowing the body to maintain a good physiological balance. In the event of a lack of sleep or interrupted sleep, metabolic functions cannot be carried out correctly and numerous disturbances occur: lowered morale, weakened immune system, reduced alertness, loss of memory, dull skin, reduced vitality, weight gain, increased stress, etc. To have a rested nervous system and promote relaxation, sleep supplements are perfect allies. We advise you to choose food supplements with soothing active ingredients that increase the concentration of serotonin and melatonin (hormones that promote sleep), such as green tea (L-theanine), graviola (tryptophan) or Klamath algae (phenylethylamine or PEA). It is recommended to alternate the courses of treatment in order to optimise the falling asleep and the quality of sleep.

Our food supplements to improve your sleep

      Organic and natural Graviola food supplement


      • Sleep disorders
      • Diuretic
      • Antibacterial
      • Cell protection
      • Digestive health


      Organic and natural Klamath food supplement
      Organic AFA Klamath


      • Cell regeneration
      • Mental performance
      • Mood stabiliser
      • Detoxifying action
      • Strengthened immune system


Why choose food supplements to promote sleep?

Do you suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders that prevent you from sleeping well at night? Rather than turning to medicinal treatments, such as sleeping pills or anxiolytics that create a dependency, food supplements are to be preferred in order to regain a restful sleep. Adapted to certain pathologies or periods of life, their simplicity of consumption and their rapid effects are an interesting option, especially as they are not addictive. Our sleep supplements all contain vitamins, minerals, trace elements and active ingredients that make up for any nutrient deficiencies that may cause insomnia or other sleep disorders. The rhythms between wakefulness and sleep are thus naturally regulated.

The role of food in sleep

The composition and timing of meals can influence the duration and quality of sleep. In the evening, we need serotonin and melatonin, two hormones responsible for calming and regulating sleep. Therefore, choose foods that promote the production of these two hormones, such as slow sugars (wholegrain cereals), fruit, yoghurt, cheese, nuts and almonds. To help you fall asleep, optimise your magnesium intake! Dark chocolate, bananas, oilseeds, legumes, seafood, spinach and figs will help you sleep through the night. Finally, try to have dinner 2 to 3 hours before bedtime, as digestion will raise your body temperature. In order to fall asleep properly, the temperature should be lowered by about 1°.

What are the best plants for sleeping?

Thanks to their anxiolytic and sedative properties, certain plants are known to help relax the body and mind. Consumed in the form of an infusion or decoction, valerian, hops, verbena or passionflower help you fall asleep. Easy to use, you will also find plant extracts in the form of food supplements, which act specifically on sleep disorders and anxiety: o Graviola: the tryptophan contained in graviola leaves acts on serotonin and helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Its soothing properties support the nervous system, helping you to fall asleep and reducing anxiety. o Klamath: the phenylethylamine (PEA) present in the Klamath algae soothes stress and anxiety.

How to choose a special sleep supplement

In order to choose a special sleep supplement, it is important to define why you have trouble sleeping. Is it stress? Do you have trouble falling asleep? Is your sleep restless? Do you suffer from night-time awakenings? Sleep disorders are often the result of a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Then think about supplementing with a superfood, such as Klamath algae. With a complete nutrient profile (115 nutrients), klamath contains a broad spectrum of vitamins - particularly those from the B group - involved in the proper functioning of the nervous system. This seaweed also represents an inexhaustible mine of minerals and trace elements, which are essential in the event of sleep disorders: magnesium for its relaxing action, lithium for nervous fatigue, or zinc, which contributes to the transformation of tryptophan into serotonin, then into melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Our boxes for better sleep

      Graviola-Klamath organic and natural food supplements pack
      Graviola & Klamath


      • Sleep disorders
      • Diuretic
      • Antibacterial
      • Cell protection
      • Digestive health