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What is digestion?

From the mouth to the intestines, our food travels a path of eight metres! As soon as the meal approaches, the signal for digestion is given: the mouth salivates, the stomach contracts, the pancreas and gall bladder secrete digestive juices, the body is ready to digest. Food is transformed by mechanical and chemical digestion processes. Mechanical digestion takes place in the mouth and stomach. Chemical digestion takes place throughout the digestive tract, using enzymes and digestive juices such as saliva, hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach or bile secreted by the liver. After absorption, nutrients pass into the bloodstream and then to the liver where they are processed before being distributed to the rest of the body. The nutrients are then used up, or accumulated to build up reserves.

Our food supplements for digestion

      Food supplement Curcumin organic and natural
      Organic Curcumin


      • Immunity
      • Joint pain
      • Cardiovascular protection
      • Digestive health
      • Support for the nervous system


      Food supplement Green tea organic and natural
      Organic Green Tea


      • Revitalising
      • Anti-stress
      • Memory activator  
      • Glycaemic regulator
      • Fat burner


      Organic and natural Graviola food supplement


      • Sleep disorders
      • Diuretic
      • Antibacterial
      • Cell protection
      • Digestive health


How to improve digestion?

Good digestion starts with your plate. Eat a diet rich in fibre and eat slowly and chew sufficiently. To reduce your digestive problems, our food supplements will be your allies: pomegranate offers an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, which acts against bloating, restores the intestinal flora and prevents problems of constipation, diarrhoea or nausea. Curcumin regulates the intestinal flora, stimulates the secretion of bile and decongests the digestive organs. Green tea stimulates the liver, stomach and intestines and supports the pancreas by lowering blood sugar levels. Graviola leaves help to combat bloating, diarrhoea and poor digestion. It also helps to relieve liver and stomach pain.

A healthy lifestyle to improve digestion

The digestive system is put to the test if you have a poor lifestyle: stress, irregular meal times, anxiety or an unbalanced diet. In order to improve digestive well-being on a daily basis and to maintain the balance of the intestinal flora, it is advisable to adopt good eating habits and to take food supplements with plant extracts to support the digestive system. For example, green tea, curcumin or graviola. Prioritise fibre-rich foods (fruit, vegetables, whole grains), eat slowly and chew well, and drink plenty of water. Engage in gentle, regular physical activity to stimulate digestion and bowel function. Finally, make sure you get a good night's sleep.

Listen to your body to decode the signs of poor digestion

To avoid digestive disorders, it is essential to listen to your body! Each disturbance is indicative of an imbalance, the cause of which must be found. Is the disorder linked to a particular food? What are the symptoms felt? Where in the body? Poor digestion is a sign that the body is having trouble breaking down and assimilating a food, thus creating a variety of discomforts: heartburn, heaviness and fatigue after meals, gas, flatulence, bloating or lack of appetite. There are several reasons for digestive problems: stress, eating too much or too quickly, or irregular meals. It is therefore important to listen to your body, as poor digestion can lead to various disorders or illnesses.

How to choose the right food supplement for digestion?

To supplement properly, it is necessary to identify the cause of poor digestion and target the symptoms. To relieve bloating, curcumin and graviola will decongest your digestive organs. If your liver is congested, try green tea or graviola to stimulate bile production. Is your stomach slow and do you lack appetite? Green tea will stimulate all your digestive organs. If you feel heaviness after meals, do yourself a favour with graviola, which chases away pain in the liver and stomach. Klamath seaweed will provide all the enzymes necessary for a good digestion process. We recommend that you combine Klamath with other food supplements to maximise the effects on your overall digestion.

Our boxes to improve your digestion

      Pack food supplements Curcumin-Klamath organic and natural
      Curcumin & Klamath


      • Cell regeneration
      • Mental performance
      • Mood stabiliser
      • Detoxifying action
      • Strengthened immune system


      Food supplement pack The Green-Klamath organic and natural
      Green Tea & Klamath


      • Revitalising
      • Anti-stress
      • Memory activator  
      • Glycaemic regulator
      • Fat burner


      Graviola-Klamath organic and natural food supplements pack
      Graviola & Klamath


      • Sleep disorders
      • Diuretic
      • Antibacterial
      • Cell protection
      • Digestive health