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Bones and joints

Bones and joints are the backbone of the body, responsible for its movement and flexibility. But they are also the cause of many diseases! Joints are partly made up of cartilage: it is precisely this that suffers from wear and tear or disease. Over time or for various reasons, it deteriorates, loses thickness and causes annoying pain when bones rub against each other. Rheumatoid arthritis, for example, causes pain in the joints. Osteoporosis causes bone fragility and fractures. Osteoarthritis is a common form of rheumatism caused by the breakdown of the cartilage covering the ends of the bones in the joints. It is therefore important to look after your joints, whether you are a sportsman or a sedentary person. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential fatty acids is essential for the good health of our bones and joints. But when this is no longer sufficient, diet can be supplemented to care for and preserve our joints.

Our food supplements for the joints

      Food supplement Curcumin organic and natural
      Organic Curcumin


      • Immunity
      • Joint pain
      • Cardiovascular protection
      • Digestive health
      • Support for the nervous system


      Organic and natural Klamath food supplement
      Organic AFA Klamath


      • Cell regeneration
      • Mental performance
      • Mood stabiliser
      • Detoxifying action
      • Strengthened immune system


Joint pain: the best food supplements to relieve it

Rheumatism, joint problems or osteoarthritis: joints can be a source of pain for young people, sportsmen and women and older people. Taken as a cure, food supplements will provide the body with extra nutrients that are essential for the joints: minerals, trace elements, vitamins, antioxidants and omega 3. To relieve joint pain and prevent cell ageing, it is advisable to vary the antioxidant food supplements. The different molecules will thus act for the well-being of ligaments, painful joints or stiff hips. In synergy with the different antioxidants present in curcumin, pomegranate, graviola leaves, green tea or astaxanthin, Klamath seaweed will provide essential nutrients for the comfort of your joints and the regeneration of your damaged cells: amino acids, omega 3, calcium and vitamin E. A prolonged course of dietary supplements will relieve muscle contractions such as cramps, provide joint comfort and strengthen bones, tendons and cartilage.

Food supplements against osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a joint disease linked to age, overweight, metabolic imbalances (e.g. diabetes), hormonal problems or already weakened joints. Dietary supplements containing anti-inflammatory molecules, antioxidants and diuretic action are particularly indicated in cases of osteoarthritis. 

  • o Curcumin's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties combat inflammation and help protect joints. 
  • o Klamath seaweed stimulates the migration of stem cells, enabling damaged cells to be regenerated. This helps to reduce the pain associated with osteoarthritis.

Food supplements to help our joints

While wear and tear on our joints is inevitable, well-targeted supplements can help prevent and relieve pain. To preserve your osteo-articular capital, opt for dietary supplements rich in anti-inflammatory virtues and based on antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and trace elements! 

  • o Curcuminoids are especially reputed to be the most powerful natural anti-inflammatories identified to date. Their antioxidant molecules - especially curcumin - act against inflammation and help protect and repair joints. They also improve flexibility and thus mobility. 
  • o Calcium, one of the richest plant sources of which is Klamath seaweed, is the bone mineral par excellence. For optimal calcium absorption and joint protection, think vitamin D! 
  • o Vitamin C and copper, present in large quantities in pomegranates, combat the oxidative degradation of cartilage and promote the synthesis of collagen, an essential component of our joints. 
  • o Omega 3 and vitamin E also have anti-inflammatory benefits for joint pain, notably through their ability to relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and reduce joint stiffness.

Our boxes to take care of your joints

      Pack food supplements Curcumin-Klamath organic and natural
      Curcumin & Klamath


      • Cell regeneration
      • Mental performance
      • Mood stabiliser
      • Detoxifying action
      • Strengthened immune system